In the pursuit of pure and safe swimming pool water quality, the filter media plays a crucial role. Although the traditional quartz sand filter media has certain filtration performance, but its easy to slate shortcomings make the replacement of frequent, to the swimming pool maintenance to bring a lot of trouble. However, with the advancement of technology, AGFM activated filter media has gradually shown its unique advantages and become the preferred choice of more and more water treatment experts and users.
AGFM activated filter media, made of pure green and brown glass, has higher filtration performance than quartz sand and glass sand. AGFM activated filter media provides effective filtration of organic matter, is bio-resistant and self-sterilizing which prevents bacteria from forming a biofilm on the surface of the particles, thus avoiding the problem of filter media sloughing. This technology, not only improves the cleanliness of pool water, but also prevents the generation of harmful disinfection by-products.
What's more, AGFM activated filter media is capable of adsorbing and removing heavy metals, organics and microplastics at a higher filtration precision. This greatly improves the filtration effect.
The use of AGFM activated filter media also reduces the need for chlorine oxidation in swimming pools and has been certified for use in swimming pools, drinking water use, as well as for the food and beverage market. The electrically neutral, lipophilic and hydrophobic surfaces of the AGFM series of products result in a significant reduction in the need for coagulants and flocculants in the removal of dissolved organics, oils, fats, microplastics and other substances.