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what are the sources of chloride ions in natural

Water Chloride ions in water come from a wide range of sources, which can be divided into three categories: natural sources, artificial sources, and natural and artificial sources according to the conditions of formation.You can use our calcium sulfite balls to remove residual chlorine from water.

There are three types of natural sources:

(1) In coastal areas, due to natural reasons, the impact of seawater intrusion, monsoon and rainfall, etc., leads to an increase in the content of chloride ions in the water layer in this area.

(2) In chlorine-rich strata, due to the erosion of surface water and groundwater, the content of chloride ions in the area affected by water flow increases.

(3) Due to natural phenomena such as crustal movement and rainwater scouring, the chlorides in the continental stratum have been blended for a long time and collected in the ocean, making the seawater rich in chloride ions.

There are many kinds of artificial sources, which mainly exist in the field of industrial production, covering textile, food, metallurgy, petroleum and chemical industries. Man-made sources affect a wide range of pollution levels. Natural man-made sources mainly refer to chlorides stored in nature, which are first affected by human beings and act on the range of human activities, which increases the chloride ions in the water in this range. For example, when the mining industry is exploiting, the chloride ion content near the mine source and along the transportation route will increase.

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