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What is KDF85

KDF85 is a granular filter media that removes contaminants such as iron, lead, nickel, hydrogen sulfide and other dissolved metals found in water supplies. It is a high-purity medium used in pretreatment, wastewater treatment and primary water treatment to reduce impurities in tap water and improve its quality. By using a redox process, KDF 85 can convert pollutants into harmless elements in water. This process helps remove or reduce contaminants such as iron, hydrogen sulfide, and other impurities in the water supply. KDF 85 removes more than 90% of iron in groundwater.

What is advantages of KDF85

The biggest thing about the 85 filter is that the recyclable material rate can reach 100%, EPA and FDA approved the maximum of zinc and copper, and no chemical substances are added in the filter media KDF85. They are also one of the most effective filter media at removing iron, chlorine, and other heavy metals. from tap water. If used with granular activated carbon filters, they can increase the life and efficiency of carbon (GAC) filters. KDF process media is still effective at higher water temperatures. They come in four fine-grained styles, each designed for specific needs. Outperforms silver impregnated carbon.

What is disadvantages of KDF85

 While the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, it's worth noting that filter media KDFs do have setbacks. KDF Filters by themselves do not remove organic chemicals (pesticides, disinfection by-products, MTBE, etc.), or parasitic cysts (giardia and cryptosporidium). Organic chemicals such as volatile organic compounds, pesticides and herbicides, organic cysts, nitrates, fluoride, viruses, arsenic, pharmaceuticals and others are not handled well by KDF Filters. KDF filters are best combined with other filtering techniques for full spectrum protection

KDF is widely used。KDF 55 is best for removing chlorine and dissolved metals such as nickel , chromium, lead and lead, while KDF 85 is a logical choice for removing iron and hydrogen sulfide among others.