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What is KDF 55

What KDF55 filter media

KDF55 is a high-purity copper-zinc alloy, which creates an electrolyte environment in water so that bacteria cannot grow.

KDF55 is a high-efficiency copper-zinc alloy water treatment filter material invented by American scientists. It uses the redox reaction of copper and zinc in water, or an electrochemical reaction, to remove heavy metals in water (such as lead, mercury, copper, iron, etc.), chlorine, hydrogen sulfide.

KDF55 can significantly extend the life of other filter elements such as activated carbon in expensive filter elements and is 100% recyclable and free of chemical additives.

Why use KDF

KDF55 can remove heavy metals, chlorine and hydrogen sulfide from water, control bacteria, algae and scale. In addition, KDF55 can significantly extend the service life of other filter media such as activated carbon, is 100% recyclable and contains no chemical additives. KDF55 can also effectively remove chlorine and heavy metals, and control microorganisms.

How KDF is applied

1.Heavy metal removal

KDF can remove heavy metal ions in water, such as lead, mercury, copper, nickel, cadmium, arsenic, antimony and many other soluble heavy metal ions, and their removal is done through electrochemical redox reaction and catalysis. KDF is a high-purity copper and zinc alloy material; it performs water treatment through the principle of electrochemical redox. Can remove up to 99% of chlorine and water-soluble lead, mercury, nickel, chromium and other soluble metals in water.

2.Chlorine and hydrogen sulfide removal

KDF55 can effectively remove residual chlorine and other oxidants in water, inhibit the reproduction of microorganisms, control the growth of microorganisms, and thus prevent the damage of microorganisms to water. In addition, KDF55 is also capable of removing heavy metals and hydrogen sulfide.

3.Inhibit bacteria

KDF55 is used as a filter material in water purifiers to inhibit bacteria. KDF55 will generate an electrolyte environment in water, so that bacteria cannot grow, and the inhibitory effect of KDF55 on bacteria mainly occurs on the KDF55-water contact surface, so only relying on changes in redox potential cannot completely control microorganisms.

4.Advantages of KDF

KDF Filter material is a high-purity copper alloy, which can perfectly remove heavy metals and acid radical ions in water, improve the activation degree of water, and be more conducive to the absorption of water by the human body, protect human health and promote human metabolism. As a filter material used in water purifiers, KDF55 has the advantages of removing chlorine and hydrogen sulfide in addition to inhibiting bacteria.

Three new filter media developed by ZONE:


KDF-55 composite ceramic ball

KDF-85 composite ceramic ball