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How To Dechlorinate The Water In The Fish Tank

Raises water first, which means that fish must first prepare water suitable for fish to survive before entering the house. The quality of water quality will directly affect the normal growth and development of fish.

Be sure to have dechlorinated water, as chlorine in tap water is poisonous. Dechlorinated water has the function of removing chlorine gas in water and killing bacteria in water.

Chlorine itself is a yellowish greenish gas that dissolves in water. When tap water is being treated, it is to use it to kill germs and diseases.

Fish and aquatic plants live in water, and the acquisition of oxygen and nutrients depends on the help of water. The poisoning is not only caused by chlorine, but hypochlorous acid, chlorophenol, chlorocresol, etc. formed by chlorine also

play the role of accomplices, and these things are fatal to fish.

But how to remove chlorine from water:You can use ZONE's fifth-generation calcium sulfite balls, you only need to use 20-25 grams to achieve 99.9% dechlorination effect.

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